1. Apocalypse in everyday life: the cultural context in which we do theory
Part 1. Readings in body language (mostly male) : 2. Reviewing a mentor: the concept of body in the work of Norman O. Brown
3. On hockey sticks and hopscotch patsies: reflections on the sexuality of sport
4. The tribe and I: thoughts on identity from a Jewish feminist atheist
Part 2. Escape from Jung: psychoanalytic/feminist critiques : 5. Archetypal theory and the separation of mind and body: reason enough to turn to Freud?
6. A critical view of archetypal thinking
7. Body and psyche in the work of James Hillman
8. Looking at Jung looking at himself: a psychoanalytic rereading of Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Part 3. Feminism and psychoanalysis: overlaps and interludes : 9. "The same stuff": the talking cure of feminism and psychoanalysis
10. Anger in the body: the impact of idealization on human development and religion
11. The body of knowledge: religious notions in the convergence of psychoanalysis and feminism
12. The return of the goddess: psychoanalytic reflections on the shift from theology to thealogy