Pt. 1: Seeing and curing --
The career of a medicine-man / Isaac Tens, through Marius Barbeau --
A shaman's journey to the sea spirit Takanakapsaluk / Knud Rasmussen --
Hanblecheyapi : crying for a vision / Black Elk, through Joseph Epes Brown --
The salt pilgrimage / Ruth Underhill --
The doctrine of the ghost dance / James Mooney --
The Peyote Way / J.S. Slotkin --
The clown's way / Barbara Tedlock --
Pt. 2: Thinking about the world --
An American Indian model of the universe / Benjamin Lee Whorf --
Linguistic reflection of Wintu thought / Dorothy Lee --
Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view / A. Irving Hallowell --
The Tewa world view / Alfonso Ortiz --
The inner eye of shamanism and totemism / Robin Ridington and Tonia Ridington --
Oglala metaphysics / Sword, Finger, One-Star, and Tyon, through J.R. Walker --
Monotheism among American Indians / Paul Radin --
An American Indian view of death / Dennis Tedlock.