Lyric Laughter : Society verse : Good sportsmanship ; Study habits ; To have and too old ; So soon? ; The Love life (and death) of a moose / Richard Armour
The Naughty preposition / Morris Bishop
The Perfect husband ; Celery ; This is going to hurt just a little bit / Ogden Nash
Parodies : Jenny kiss'd me / Leigh Hunt
"Jenny kiss'd me when we met" / Paul Dehn
"Such stuff as dreams" / Franklin P. Adams
Triolets : The Kiss / Austin Dobson
Triolet / Wiiliam Ernest Henley.
Triolet against sisters / Phyllis McGinley
Satire : Reflections dental / Phyllis McGinley
Greatest show on Earth / Felicia Lamport
Riesumie / Dorothy Parker
Macabre Humor : Patience ; Aunt Eliza / Harry Graham
Infant innocence / A.E. Housman
Nonsense : 'Tis midnight / anonymous
I wish that my room had a floor / Gelett Burgess
"The Space child's Mother Goose" / Frederick Winsor
Jabberwocky / Lewis Carroll.
Emotional Outlet And Growth : A Red, red rose / Robert Burns
How do I love thee? / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Mexican serenade / Arthur Guiterman
"Breathes there the man" / Walter Scott
Home thoughts from abroad / Robert Browning
My heart leaps up / William Wordsworth
Four little foxes / Lew Sarett
Old Ironsides / Oliver Wendell Holmes
Pippa's song Robert Browning
A Dirge / Percy Bysshe Shelley
Lament of a man for his son / Mary Austin
Dirge without music / Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Carol of the bird / Walt Whitman
Crossing the bar / Alfred Tennyson
High flight / John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
Untitled / George Herbert.
Music In Words : Rhythm : Young and old / Charles Kingsley
A Vagabond song / Bliss Carman
Song for a fifth child / Ruth H. Hamilton
Rime and alliteration : Money / Richard Armour
Lone dog / Irene Rutherford McLeod
Like rain it sounded till it curved / Emily Dickinson
Music without meter and rime : Free verse : By the bivouac's fitful flame / Walt Whitman
The Beat child / Chuck Stoddard
Anglo-Saxon verse form : London train / Paul Dehn.
Syllabic verse : Triad / Adelaide Crapsey
Hokku / Chiyo (translation by Curtis Hidden Page)
Stanza forms : Golden bough / Elinor Wylie
In a garden / Donald C. Babcock
O God our help in ages past / Isaac Watts
Blank verse : The Snow-storm / Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Sonnet : Sonnet 29 / William Shakespeare
All that matters / Edgar A. Guest
To a photographer / Berton Braley.
Continued 1 : Sharpened Sense Antennae : Sense impressions in words : Barter / Sara Teasdale
Loveliest of trees / A.E. Housman
Smells / Christopher Morley
The Shell / James Stephens
In the garden of the Lord / Helen Keller
Sense impressions plus : Sunrise / Lizette Woodworth Reese
Dawn / William Carlos Williams
I wandered lonely as a cloud / William Wordsworth
Figures of speech (comparisons) : Simile : The Fly / Walter de la Mare
Metaphor : Dreams / Lagston Hughes
Personification : Fragment from nothing / Elizabeth Coatsworth
Symbol : The Long hill / Sara Teasdale
Three poems : a summing up : Clean curtains / Carl Sandburg
Crystal moment / Robert P. Tristram Coffin
The Fish / Elizabeth Bishop.
The Vision Of The Ideal : To James / Frank Horne
Mother to son / Langston Hughes
A Farewell / Charles Kingsley
Outwitted / Edwin Markham
It is not growing like a tree / Ben Jonson
God, give us men! / Josiah Gilbert Holland
The Chambered Nautilus / Oliver Wendell Holmes
Leisure / William H. Davies
Preliminary poem for a modern city / Harry Kemp
For a' that and a' that / Robert Burns
The Man he killed / Thomas Hardy
Prayer / Louis Untermeyer
A Sergeant's prayer / Hugh Brodie
The Pillar of the cloud / John Henry Newman
Prayer of Columbus / Walt Whitman.
More Lyric Verse To Read For Enjoyment : America the beautiful / Katharine Lee Bates
The Flag goes by / Henry Holcomb Bennett
In Flanders fields / Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae
I have a rendezvous with death / Alan Seeger
The Soldier / Rupert Brooke
Concord hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson
Four things / Henry van Dyke
Be strong / Maltbie Davenport Babcock
Invictus / William Ernest Henley
Thanksgiving eve / Grantland Rice
God of our fathers / Daniel Crane Roberts
The Investment / Robert Frost
Home, sweet home / John Howard Payne
The Old oaken bucket / Samuel Woodworth
Woodman, spare that tree / George P. Morris.
The House by the side of the road / Sam Walter Foss
The Arrow and the song ; The Village Blacksmith / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of the thrush / T.A. Daly
The House on the hill / Edwin Arlington Robinson
Sweet and low / Alfred Tennyson
Sweetes' li'l feller / Frank L. Stanton
Bed in summer ; Windy nights ; System ; The Swing ; Looking-glass river / Robert Louis Stevenson
The Modern Hiawatha / George A. Strong
Seein' things / Eugene Field
The Twelve days of Christmas / Anonymous
The Months / Christina Rossetti
Travel / Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Continued 2 : Old Closet / Selma Robinson
The Day is done / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Jeanie with the light brown hair / Stephen Foster
If I were a king / Justin Huntly McCarthy
The Night has a thousand eyes / Francis William Bourdillon
Disdain returned / Thomas Carew
Ko-Ko's song / W.S. Gilbert
Love is like a dizziness / James Hogg
Sky-writer / Vincent Starrett
Gentle name / Selma Robinson
To Althea, from prison / Richard Lovelace
Sweet spring is your ; Number 77 from 95 poems / E.E. Cummings
A Few signs / Grantland Rice
The Sea / Bryan Waller Procter
Break, break, break / Alfred Tennyson.
O captain! my captain! / Walt Whitman
The Trees are down / Charlotte Mew
Jazz Fantasia / Carl Sandburg
Tele-news blues / Peter Dufault
Iron-wind dances / Lew Sarrett
What the hyena said / Vachel Lindsay
Beat! beat! drums! / Walt Whitman
God's world / Edna St. Vincent Millay
Autumn tints / Sara Teasdale
A Ballade-catalogue of lovely things / Richard Le Gallienne
Aladdin throws away his lamp / Elias Lieberman
It isn't the cough / Anonymous
Otherwise / Aileen Fisher
The Lightning is a yellow fork / Emily Dickinson
A Pitcher of mignonette / H.C. Bunner
The Rain / William H. Davies.
Manhatten skyline / Eugene M. Kayden
The Donkey / G.K. Chesterton
The Example / William H. Davies
On a fly drinking out of his cup / William Oldys
The Spider / Robert P. Tristam Coffin
At the aquarium / Max Eastman
A Narrow fellow in the grass / Emily Dickinson
The Difference / Anonymous
Ferry ride / Selma Robinson
The Old swimmer / Christopher Morley
The Little man who wasn't there / Hughes Mearns
Six nuns in the snow / Phyllis McGinley
Thunderstorms / William H. Davies
The Bare arms of trees / John Tagliabue
The Perfect reactionary / Hughes Mearns
Uncle Bing / Vincent Starrett
The Wrestler / Stefan George.
The Travel bureau / Ruth Comfort Mitchell
Eight-cylinder man / Florence Ripley Mastin
The Book-worms / Robert Burns
Song / Richard Brinsley Sheridan
A Dutch proverb / Matthew Prior
Epitaphs for three prominent persons / Phyllis McGinley
Epitaph on a dentist ; On Leslie Moore / Anonymous
I Sometimes think / R.P. Lister
Inscription for the ceiling of a bedroom / Dorothy Parker
Business / Arthur Guiterman
Don't shake the bottle, shake your mother-in-law / Phyllis McGinley
What Mr. Robbins thinks / James Russell Lowell
Song of the Chattahoochee / Sidney Lanier.
Continued 3 : Rubbaiybat of Omar Khayyiam (selections) / Edward FitzGerald
Daniel at breakfast / Phyllis McGinley
Investor's soliloquy / Kenneth Ward
Sestina of youth and age / Gelett Burgess
Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley
On the grasshopper and cricket ; When I have fears / John Keats
Let me not to the marriage of true minds / William Shakespeare
Dover beach / Matthew Arnold
To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant
Ichabod / John Greenleaf Whittier
Thanatopsis / William Cullen Bryant
The Ghosts of the buffaloes / Vachel Lindsay
The Barrel-organ / Alfred Noyes
Ode to duty / William Wordsworth.