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In the middle of a tropical storm one night, these characters are among the passengers it carries: Fay Benton, a single mom and cocktail waitress desperate for something to go right for once; Johnny and the Contusions,...
Trapped in rural Steeple Bumpleigh, a man less stalwart than Bertie Wooster would probably give way at the knees, for among those present were Florence Craye, to whom Bertie had once been engaged; her new fianc├® "Stilton" Cheesewright, who sees Bertie as a snake in the grass; and that biggest blot on the landscape, Edwin the Boy Scout, who is busy doing acts of kindness out of sheer malevolence. All of Bertie's forebodings are fully justified,
...4) Emma
Klasyczna książka Jane Austen w adaptacji dla dzieci.Mądra i pewna siebie Emma jest przekonana, że umie znaleźć idealnego męża dla swojej nowej przyjaciółki Harriet. Popełnia jednak jeden błąd za drugim i wreszcie zdaje sobie sprawę, że być może wcale nie zna ludzi tak dobrze, jak jej się wydawało. W rzeczywistości być może nie rozumie nawet własnych uczuć – zwłaszcza wobec pewnego dżentelmena...
5) Tom Sawyer
The real-life Guinness heiress offers an inside look at the lives of eccentric aristocrats in this “masterful . . . macabre fairy-tale and blackly humorous family portrait” (Literary Hub).
This macabre, mordantly funny, partly auto-biographical novel reveals the gothic craziness behind the scenes in the great houses of the aristocracy, as witnessed through the...
What happens when a psychic tells Lucy that she'll be getting married within the year? Her roommates panic! What is going to happen to their blissful existence of eating take-out, drinking too much wine, bringing men home, and never vacuuming?
Lucy reassures her friends that she's far too busy arguing with her mother and taking care of her irresponsible father to get married. And then there's the small matter of not even having a boyfriend.
...Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus
Remember when it was scary to go to school? 'Cause it was your first day and you didn't know anything. Meet Junie B. Jones, kindergartner. She's so scared of the school bus and the meanies on it that when it's time to go home, she doesn't.
Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business